So much for getting back to blogging more frequently, huh? Since I last posted, nearly a month ago, life – work, specifically – has been a bit of a whirlwind, and I've hardly spent any time on the computer. Not that I'm complaining. Less time on the computer is always nice.
My time here has been well-spent, and there's nowhere that I'd rather be. After working 18 consecutive days from the end of May into June, averaging between 12 and 16 hours of work a day, things have finally calmed down a bit and I can step back and gain some perspective. It was hard work getting the camp ready for summer, especially with a brand new dining hall. There was lots of new ground that had to be covered, but now that we're running (we're into week three of summer camping) things are going much smoother.
I love this part of New York in the summer. The weather is fickle at best – in the course of a day it can change from rain to sun and back to rain several times. In June alone we've had swings from 45 degrees to 95 degrees; humid to dry; sunshine to hail. It keeps things interesting.
My focus now is to just use the rest of the summer to serve and to grow in my relationships with others and with the Lord. And to cram some fun activities into my free time when it comes along.
Here's my short list of what I still want to get done with my days off this summer:
- Trip to Cincinnati (forthcoming, for a family reunion) where I'll see all of my family, a Reds game, run a 5k and see Zimmer, who's been in Thailand.
- Go to NYC.
- Go to a Mets game.
- Go to a Red Bulls game (hopefully versus FC Barcelona).
- Go to Portland to visit my sister and her family.
- Go to Fenway.
- Make dentist and optometrist appointments (before I'm a poor grad student!)
- Spend a night out practicing wilderness survival with friends.
- Backpack into Pine Creek Canyon, the "Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania."
There's more I want to get done, too... we'll have to see what I have time for!