Sunday, September 16, 2007

Female rocker alert!

It's rare that I find a musician who speaks directly into my heart – whose lyrics cut so deep into the heart of who I am that I absolutely feel the song deep inside me. It's even rarer that I find a female singer who reflects my own heart so well – after all, there are a lot of fundamental differences in the male and female hearts. But after getting a recommendation to listen to some Betsy Walker (it's actually "betsy walker" on the album, but I'm not into that whole lowercase thing) I was instantly hooked. I've enjoyed some female Christian music before – namely Jennifer Knapp and Ginny Owens, but I think Betsy is an instant favorite.

Incidentally, Betsy is an Indy Indie rocker. She's from Indianapolis, is independent, Christian and has a beautiful voice.

This is her song "Blessings," which echoes a prayer that has been in my own heart for months, a prayer I still pray every night for certain people in my life.


May you walk with the Lord all your life,
And not turn to the left or the right.
May your pace match the step of the almighty guide
May you walk with the Lord all your life.

May you ache of the Lord all your life,
May you run that you might win the prize.
May you hunger and thirst and be satisfied,
May you wake with the Lord all your life.

And may there be blessings on you,
And may there be mercies ever anew.
And may you find all his promises true,
May blessings fall all over you.

May you fight for the lord all your life,
May your courage not fail you in night,
May you put on his armor and stand in the light,
May you fight for the Lord all your life.

May God grant you peace,
Grant you peace,
Grant you peace.

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