Thursday, October 11, 2007


Well, I'm wrapping up work today and getting ready to head home tomorrow to fly to North Carolina for a week of ... nothing. Nothing but the outdoors, the trees, the rivers and relaxation. I'm really looking forward to some time away from the bustle of life here right now.

If you want to do something fun and educational, I challenge you to take this geography test (us U.S. Americans don't have enough maps as it is, anyway) and see how many you can get right.

Beware: This is addicting. You can do the other continents through this web site, too.

The African Country Geography Quiz

I'll post more when I get back from vacation, photos, and hopefully some deeper thoughts too, since I'll have some time to read and think...


Doug said...

That geography stuff IS addictive. I scored 72% on the Africa one. I'll try Europe next.

P.S. Any Usalonians out there who need financial aid for purchasing a map... just let me know.

Have a good time in N.C.

seg said...

dude, firefox hates geography. it won't let me do it!!!!!!!!!

have a great vacation :)