Wednesday, March 12, 2008

More pictures... from France!

Another little update since it's been a couple of days.

Tuesday we traveled from London to Caen in an exhausting all-day excursion. It was bus to Dover, then ferry to Calais, then bus to Caen. It took us about 12 hours total to get to our destination – partially because of problems with the ferry (bad weather combined with a strike of French ferry workers). Anyway, we arrived in Caen last night.

These pictures are mostly from today, apart from the first one from the back of the ferry (the coast of France is just visible on the left).

1. On the ferry.
2. Omaha Beach.
3. The American Cemetery near Omaha Beach.
4. German gun emplacements near Longues Sur Mer.
5. The town of Aromanches, where the allies built their artificial harbor on D-Day +2. An engineering marvel of the time, most of the parts of the artificial harbor can still be seen just 2km off the coast.
6. In Bayeux, in front of the Bayeux Cathedral with several of the students on the trip. We ducked inside (it was beautiful) and then went to see the Bayeux Tapestry, a famous 11th-century depiction of the battle between the Normans and Saxons (involving "William the Bastard," later known as "William the Conquerer."

All in all, very cool stuff. I'm exhausted and hoping to catch up on some sleep tonight. I'll certainly post full sets of photos later on Flickr or something... so far I think I've taken 487 photos on the days we've been here. Yipes.


seg said...

487 photos -- that's it?

GREAT pictures, tim ... can't wait to see ... errrr, *some* of the rest :)

Selena said...

timothy! it's s'lena. let's be friends.
p.s. did i mention that you take pritty pitchers?