Monday, November 05, 2007

'Goal that saved Arsenal'

Random post today. I have this whole post I'm working on about God and chivalry and the Knight's Code and swords... but I haven't collected my thoughts enough yet to actually finish the post. I need some less mentally-taxing days at work so I can focus on that one night at home.

ALSO... my freelance business is exploding. Praise the Lord for it, as it definitely helps pay the bills, but I've got an incredible amount of projects I need to finish right now! Gah!

Anyway, my day at work today was pretty great – my coworker Jess returned from her trip to London and brought me a pretty awesome souvenir ... a new Arsenal scarf! I didn't even ask or anything, she's just feeding my obsession of her own volition. :)

It was a great weekend, too – for Arsenal and for me. Before I went to the Connexion retreat on Saturday I managed to catch a little bit of the second half of the Arsenal-Man United game. I didn't see any goals, but I went back later and downloaded the whole match and watched it. Phew. William Gallas scoring in the last minute of stoppage time to save the draw – sure it would have been better if it was a win, but still... amazing. Jess also brought me back the Sunday Telegraph, which has a nice big picture of the ref calling the goal and the headline, 'Goal that saved Arsenal.'

The retreat was really great, too – it's always great to meet new people, spend time in fellowship and worship, learn about God and ourselves and in general have fun. We even got to play a little soccer. Good times.

This is a crazy week at work – guest speakers today and Wednesday and a trip to Philadelphia Thursday through Saturday, but after that things calm down! I'm looking forward to getting into the Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

I was also asked to be my new niece's Godfather, which is a pretty great honor. I'm going to try to go home on Sunday to go to her baptism.

And with that last random bit, I'm off to go home and get ready to celebrate Guy Fawkes night.

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