Thursday, November 08, 2007

The House of Pass and Stow

I'm on a business trip in Philadelphia right now, but while I'm relaxing in my hotel room this evening I thought I'd put the free Internet access to use and post a couple pictures.

Though I've been to Philadelphia before, I've never seen the historic part of town, including the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall. I am a bit of a history nut, so I was pretty excited today when Jessica and I had a couple free hours and were able to walk over to Philly's historic district.

After all, Philadelphia full of interesting American history. It's one of the U.S.'s oldest metropolises, established in 1682 by William Penn. It was the home of the first government of the united colonies, home to the first Supreme Court, home to the first and second banks of the United States and is still home to a federal mint.

We ran out of time today to get the tour of Independence Hall, but we're planning on taking our lunch break tomorrow to go back. I'll try to sneak off to discover mystery like Benjamin Gates does in "National Treasure..."

1 comment:

seg said...

haha, i almost got to the end of this and was like "WHERE is the National Treasure reference?? "

you did not disappoint.