Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Misconceptions of Jesus

A friend and I were discussing common misconceptions about Jesus today, specifically people who get bogged down in legalities – and I was reminded of this parody video that Vintage21, a church group in North Carolina, produced a few years ago.

I ought to offer a disclaimer: this video, in no way, represents my views of Jesus, nor do I believe it reflects the views of the film's producers. Bear in mind this video was shown in church, then followed up with a sermon about common misconceptions and stereotypes of Jesus. This one specifically deals with what some people perceive Jesus to be like with rule-breaking, sinning and other "infractions."

It's quite humorous. There's three other videos just like this (it was a four-part sermon series) on Youtube that you can find through watching the video below.

1 comment:

Doug said...

That is sick. Ha ha. My favourite lines are:

"Do you think he can fly?"

"...I will find you."

"You drank to much wine the other night. Not way too muhc, just enough to make me angry."

"And you...I forgot you name, so you are off the hook for now."