Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Anyone? Anyone?

Ben Stein is a modern renaissance man. Seriously, what hasn't the guy done? He's been an activist. A writer. A commentator. A lawyer. A speech writer for two presidents. He's been on TV (Win Ben Stein's Money, The Wonder Years), he's been in commercials (Musine Dry Eyes), and of course, has had roles in movies ("Reagan called this what? BLANK economics ... Voo Doo Economics").

Stein has previously been honored for his pro-life activism, and now he is taking on Darwinism in a new movie/documentary that will debut this spring called "Expelled."

In the trailer, Stein shares his belief in intelligent design, and seems to shine the spotlight most brilliantly on scientists who are shunned for questioning Darwinism, or for their belief in the possibility of intelligent design.

There's an extended trailer on the Web site that is worth checking out. Between small group and Young Life, creationism has been a hot topic amongst friends lately – I thought many of you would be interested in knowing about this.

Stein wraps up the extended trailer with the following challenge to the viewers, and ends with a nice homage to his Ferris Bueller days:

"So I'm going to begin by warning you: feel free to watch this film if you must, and I hope that you do – but you've got to know that doing so could land you in a heap of trouble. Some of you are going to lose your friends from watching this film. Some of you may even lose your jobs. In fact, if you're a scientist with any hope of a future, I suggest you leave right now. College or high school students, especially teachers, legislators, journalists – anyone else with a stake in this debate should probably leave right now as well. But if you do leave, will anyone be left to fight this battle? ... Anyone? ....... Anyone?"

1 comment:

Doug said...

This seriously got my heart racing. I'm one of those scientists, I know exactly what he's talking about. We should go and see it when it comes out Mr Street.