Thursday, January 03, 2008

Season Four...

Happy New Year!

I just spent an hour getting excited for the new season of L O S T. ABC just started advertising for the season premiere the other day, and I have to say – it looks awesome. I'm a little concerned about how the writer's strike will affect the season (does anyone know?)

Anyway, a few years ago, during the summer, the makers of L O S T presented "The Lost Experience," an interactive online game that gave clues to the upcoming season of L O S T.

Good news... it's BACK!

Go to to start the experience.

It will take you to

I won't reveal anything else, but go to it and do it... it's worth it!

1 comment:

b7 said...

Happy New Year!

LOST junkie that I am, I can tell you that it's been affected by the strike in two ways:

First, the season will only be eight episodes long instead of the ten or more episodes originally planned. No word on if/how this will affect the series as a whole, but I'm hoping for no more stupid episodes like last year's buried alive one.

Second, the show is moving to the "lucrative" 9pm Thursday slot, replacing Grey's Anatomy when Grey's is forced into reruns. (This absolutely stinks for me, because I scheduled a regular work shift on Thurs so I could watch Lost on Weds. Argh.)

That's what I've heard so far...